Sometimes, sending files as attachments via email can be unsuccessful. This is
usually due to the size of the file and the limitations of the mailbox. To get
round these problems, we offer a drop box for your files within this site.
To use it, click the
image below and a new window will open up. This is the drop box folder within
this site. To upload your file, simply drag and drop it onto the window and the
file will automatically copy to the site. If the file is large or the server is
particularly busy, this may take a short time. You can create new folders within
the drop box by right clicking in the box and selecting 'New>Folder' This
folder can then be renamed by right clicking and selecting 'Rename'.
Please create your own
folder to assist us when we search for newly uploaded files. Thank you.
While we try to download your files and remove them from the site as quickly as
possible, this is a relatively public space and there will be a period when the
files are available to anyone who browses this page. We cannot be held
responsible if others chose to view or download these files during this period.
If you are concerned about the security of your uploads, please contact the
webmaster who can arrange for a temporary, secure folder to be created for you.